FREE Plan Reviews from MiHealthyPet!
January 17, 2018
Many practice health care providers don’t offer much support after the initial plan setup; and those that are offering post-launch support are charging for it. Whilst this ‘plan review’ charge is likely a fair price for the time and detail undertaken to complete, we offer this service to our members using MiHealthyPet and don’t charge a penny for it!
As a NEW benefit, we offer the service of an in-depth review to anyone – even if your plan is with another provider or managed internally. It is a worthwhile exercise to undertake to ensure that the plan is actually beneficial to the practice as well as attracting clients. We aim to help you understand your plan pricing and profit point, and explore opportunities to sign up more clients.
If all is well, then you are safe in the knowledge that your plan is working for you – if it isn’t, then we help you work out the solutions.
MiHealthyPet has been well received in 2017 as our package is complete; we create, design and print your marketing materials, train your staff at the start and on-going (plus we are there to visit you as much or as little as you need) to help drive your plan forward and ensure the practice continues to flourish. There is no joining fee, for you or the owner and you only pay a low fixed fee per pet per month, for a great service. Transfers from other providers are also available.
If you’d like a free no obligation review, contact us today!